Tessa Killian
Executive Director
Tessa is Southeastern’s Executive Director. She has been working at the council since 2000 and serving as Executive Director since…

Jennifer Palmentiero
Digital Services Manager
Jennifer has been with Southeastern since 1999. She provides training, consultation and support for the Council’s suite of digitization services.…

Zachary Spalding
Systems Manager
Zachary has been the Systems Manager at Southeastern since 2006. He is responsible for the council’s IT needs and manages…

Carolyn Bennett Glauda
Programs and Outreach Manager
Carolyn has been with Southeastern since January 2013. She develops and manages programs and services to support the professional development…

Moshe Siegel
Office Manager
Moshe has been Southeastern’s Office Manager since 2014. Phone: (845) 883-9065 x110 E-mail: moshe@senylrc.org Areas of support General Council inquiries…

Kelsey Milner
Resource Sharing and Cataloging Librarian
Kelsey Milner has been with Southeastern since 2018. She manages SEAL (SouthEastern Access to Libraries), providing training and support to…

Sarah Holsted, MLS
Hospital Library Services Program Manager
Sarah has been the Hospital Library Services Program Manager at Southeastern since 2019. She manages funding programs that connect New…

Liz Gurdin
Finance Manager
Liz has been the Finance Manager at Southeastern since 2017. She is responsible for the day-to-day bookkeeping and accounting operations…